Hosted by Debbie Benest – Blue Sky Health Coaching
Open to ABCJersey members and non-members, our May meet-up will be taking place at the Oasis Suite at 7.30pm.

Drive A Lasting Change In Your Life
Hosted by functional Medicine Health Coach, Debbie Benest is on a mission to empower individuals into overcoming their health issues through long lasting lifestyle changes that help help them live their best life, as healthy as they possibly can be.

EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique (commonly known as Tapping)
In this session you will learn how to use Tapping to help you to cope with any emotions, pain anxiety and fear that you are experiencing on your Breast Cancer journey.
We will be tapping on certain acupressure points in the body whilst using your words (swear words are fully welcomed!!)
We will acknowledge and feel all our feelings and then reframe the negative ones without the use of “toxic positivity” …… you know when someone says “well at least you aren’t… such and such………. Or at least you haven’t had…….( Insert whatever here, which let’s face it, is in no way helpful when you are going through Breast Cancer.)
So, what exactly is Tapping?
Tapping combines ancients Chinese Acupressure with modern psychology and is a method of reducing stress, anxiety, fear and pain by “tapping” certain acupressure points on the body whilst acknowledging the thoughts and emotions that we are living with.
When we Tap, we can create positive changes in the body’s biochemistry.
Research published on Tapping that investigates how it can affect things like hormone levels, heart rate, blood pressure, and reduce stress.
One of the reasons Tapping is so effective for reducing stress and anxiety is that it doesn’t just manage your stress on the surface. Instead, Tapping helps to regulate the brain’s stress response.
This helps us to feel our feelings, face our fears, and process our difficult memories.
Debbie also helps with:

Please feel free to bring a companion if it’s your first meeting.
It would be really helpful for you to RSVP so we know rough numbers. Please email or click here to RSVP via Facebook.
We really hope you can make it!