Support Us

Together, we are a brighter community.


Donate and become a Patron Member

We rely entirely on our kind supporters, large and small, to fund our projects. Only with you by our side can we continue to stand united as a brighter community.

Help more Islanders access the support they need by becoming an ABC Jersey Patron Member. Your one-off or regular donations will make a huge difference to our community. We’ll keep you updated with the latest news and offer exclusive invites to special events hosted by our members.


Fundraise for our community

Fundraise for our community by taking ABC Jersey into the wider community! Download our ABC Jersey Fundraising Pack Now and you will be ensuring more Islanders living with breast cancer can access the help they need. Every penny raised will go to supporting the ABC Jersey community.

“100% of the funds raised in Jersey goes towards supporting islanders affected by breast cancer.”

Whether you want to set yourself a personal challenge or organise an event, we have the resources to get you started.


Volunteer Your Time To Help Others

The most valuable thing you can give us is your time. Our entire community is only possible thanks to the generosity of our volunteers.

From support with admin to organising events, if you want to use your time to make a real difference for our local community, we’d love to put your skills to great use. Register your interest and we’ll get back to you with what volunteering opportunities we have available.

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“I know first hand what a difference ABC Jersey made on my journey to recovery. I want to help others on their journey. We are not alone!”

Tell your friends and Family!

Our mission is to ensure all members of our local community can access the support they need, when they need it. Tell your friends and family about ABC Jersey and help us raise awareness.

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Get in touch

Use this form to register your event, become a volunteer, or to get help with anything you need.