Touch, Look, Check (TLC)
Give your boobs some TLC to look for early signs of breast cancer
Touch your breasts, can you feel anything new or unusual?
Look for changes, does anything look different?
Check any changes with your GP.
Get acquainted with your breasts. Explore doing circles for lumps or swelling.
Look for a change to the skin, such as puckering or dimpling.
Check above breast, and also for changes in the nipple. (eg: it has become pulled or inverted)
Check under the right & left arms.
Look for a rash or crusting around nipple, or any unusual discharge.
Check all the breast for any size changes.
Where to find help
Get help locally and online

Macmillian Cancer Support
Speak to a Cancer Support Worker, book a complementary therapy or class, and tell us the support you need.

Friends of Jersey Oncology
Dedicated to making a meaningful difference to those in Jersey and their families who are affected by cancer.
They exist to educate and remind young people in the UK that checking their boobs isn’t only fun, but it saves lives.

Jersey Cancer Relief
They offer financial assistance to Jersey residents affected by cancer in its many forms.

Male Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer affects men too. This organisation is here to help raise awareness and provide support.