The Darker Side of Pink

Can you share a bit about your life before the diagnosis? What are your passions, interests, and day-to-day life like?

Since my stage 4 diagnosis my life has changed 100%. I’m no longer the happy go lucky person I was. I’d started a new career, was really into fitness, my Sons were grown up and I was really enjoying life.

How would you describe your initial reactions and feelings when you first received your breast cancer diagnosis?

Stage 4 dx. Complete and utter shock. My Sons were with me in clinic and I was trying so hard to keep it together for them. I just looked at them both and my whole world just came crashing down.

What aspects of your individuality do you feel have been most challenged, changed or strengthened by this experience?

Living with stage 4 cancer, knowing it’s probably what is going to kill me as there is no cure is a constant rollercoaster. Constant blood tests, scans, results, Oncologist appointments. Good news, bad news and sometimes very bad news has definitely strengthened my character. You can’t fall apart at every bump in the road. You have to learn to live with a new normal – if that makes sense!

Are there specific moments or experiences in your cancer journey that stand out to you, which you would like depicted in the sculpture?

Doing Race for Life, Bringing panic packs for cancer patients to Jersey. Hosting a charity ball for Oncology and The Jersey Cancer Trust.

How has your perspective on life and your own identity evolved since your diagnosis?

Carpe Diem – Seize the day….. for tomorrow is promised to no-one. I’m the strongest i’ve ever been and likely to be in this lifetime. Cancer has taught me what/who is important. It’s also taught me how to let go of negativity.

In what ways do you feel bravery has played a role in your cancer journey? Are there particular instances of courage that you’d like represented?

Going public about having stage 4 cancer. Raising awareness and educating people.

How do you want the world to see you through this sculpture? What part of your reality, character, or experience would you like it to emphasise?

That my life doesn’t always revolve around cancer. I’m still Rose and very much still my own person. I don’t live with cancer, cancer lives with me!

What has been your source of strength and resilience throughout your journey with breast cancer?

My Sons

What does being a part of this exhibition mean to you? How do you hope it might impact others who see your sculpture?

I’m very proud. I hope it reminds people to check themselves. 

Is there a specific message or emotion you want to convey to the audience of this exhibition, particularly to those who might be going through a similar experience?

Strength and courage.

Touch, Look, Check (TLC)

Give your boobs some TLC to look for early signs of breast cancer.